Visit to the Idaho and Oak Ridge National Laboratories
CDT students at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Students from Cohort 2 visited Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The purpose of the visit was to learn more about world-leading nuclear-related research programmes, to see the facilities, and experience the working environment in a different country. The visit promotes a global outlook on the nuclear sector and students were offered an insight into research and career opportunities in the US.
CDT Student Angelo Battistini, gave this short report on behalf of his cohort:
As part of the NEF CDT career-enhancing activities, we recently travelled to Idaho and Tennessee to visit two of the most renowned and respected nuclear institutions of the United States of America, respectively the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
This final trip was one of the most interesting and exciting activities our cohort has experienced, and it left a mark in our lives, both from a professional point of view, thanks to the countless opportunities we have been exposed to in the States, and an interpersonal point of view, as this was a priceless chance for the whole of us to live together for a week and make good memories that we will carry for the rest of our lives.
Our hosts have been exemplary at showing us around, with the unstoppable Lyza in Idaho leaving a particularly vivid impression in all of us, and Andy’s planning efficiency that allowed us to have a peak at most of the exciting research being conducted at both laboratories, and while not all of us were interested in every single research field, every single one of us appreciated the time all of the staff granted us and we will be eternally grateful for such an amazing opportunity.