Rufus Neame

NEF CDT Student
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge


Sponsor: EPSRC

Rufus Neame

Sensitivity uncertainties and variance reduction in Monte Carlo methods

My project is dedicated to enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of Monte Carlo simulations, which are essential for radiation shielding calculations. I aim to incorporate two features into SCONE (Stochastic Calculator Of Neutron transport Equation) to improve current Monte Carlo shielding calculations.

The first being the integration of sensitivity coefficient calculations, enabling identification and analysis of key parameters impacting the simulation accuracy. This addition will allow for more targeted and efficient modifications, ultimately leading to results that are both more precise and dependable.

The second is investigating new ways of generating weight-windows, for variance reduction. This is expected to enhance computational speed and potentially lead to significant improvements in the overall speed of simulations.


Submitting first paper to PHYSOR 2024, hoping to be accepted.

Future plans

Potentially spending some time in a postdoc role, eventually working on next generation SMR design and neutronics methods.


Jamie Edwards


Tom Ross